Benjamin Holmes

Company: Orbital Therapeutics
Job title: Director, Data Sciences
Harnessing Computational Tools for Re-Targeting of Virus-Like Particles (VLP) Delivering RNA Medicines 11:00 am
Viral-like particles (VLPs) are important therapeutic delivery tools for DNA and RNA, with innate tropism Using combinations of 3d structure prediction and physics models to facilitate reprogramming the molecular affinities of VLP binding proteins, in order to facilitate targeted delivery beyond the wild type tissue type targets Novel binding proteins are designed for a variety…Read more
day: Day Two
Panel Discussion: Driving Safer Delivery of RNA Therapeutics & Vaccines by Leveraging Computational Tools with Better Prediction of Targeting & Specificity 12:00 pm
How to optimize machine learning algorithms for better prediction of LNP targeting and specificity How to develop computational tools for incorporating addition of targeting moieties on LNPs How can AI/ML indicate impact of lipid properties and RNA modifications on LNP performance? Uncover computational strategies for delivery vehicles beyond LNPs for selective and precise delivery of…Read more
day: Day Two