Eliot Morrison

Company: Silence Therapeutics
Job title: Senior Scientist & Bioinformatics Group Leader
The Limits of Imperfect: What Do We Know About Low-Homology siRNA Off-Targets? 9:00 am
siRNA therapeutics are rigorously designed and screened to minimize off-target effects; this is done initially in silico by sequence alignment-based approaches, traditionally using relatively high homology thresholds Surprisingly, performing unbiased RNAseq experiments reveals that a significant number of DEGs with low-homology alignments may also be regulated. Here we present a global analysis of what these…Read more
day: Conference Day Two
Panel Discussion: Enhancing Computational RNA Prediction Through High Quality Data Generation, Language Models & Cross Learnings from Different RNA Modality & Small Molecule Worlds 1:00 pm
What are the key principles for experimental dataset generation to advance training for better computational model prediction of RNA therapeutic properties? What model architectures are currently being used outside of RNA discovery and what can be learnt from their training dataset for optimized predictive outcome? What is the minimal data set required with data quality…Read more
day: Conference Day One