Jonathan Hsu

Company: Gensaic
Job title: Chief Technology Officer
Decoding the Language of Delivery with Directed Evolution & AI-Guided Protein Design 11:30 am
Introduction of the FORGETM platform which leverages unbiased directed evolution and AI-guided protein design to discover novel ligands for tissue-selective delivery Application of FORGETM in the discovery of ligands targeting skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, and CNS with in vivo proof-of-concept delivering various oligonucleotide payloads Next research frontier focused on subcellular delivery by utilizing AI to…Read more
day: Day Two
Panel Discussion: Driving Safer Delivery of RNA Therapeutics & Vaccines by Leveraging Computational Tools with Better Prediction of Targeting & Specificity 12:00 pm
How to optimize machine learning algorithms for better prediction of LNP targeting and specificity How to develop computational tools for incorporating addition of targeting moieties on LNPs How can AI/ML indicate impact of lipid properties and RNA modifications on LNP performance? Uncover computational strategies for delivery vehicles beyond LNPs for selective and precise delivery of…Read more
day: Day Two