Computational Strategies Beyond Tradtional LNPs to Enhance Extrahepatic RNA Delivery & Achieve Targeted Therapeutic Benefit

Time: 1:01 pm
day: Pre-Conference Workshop Day


Non-traditional delivery carriers, outside the realm of LNPs, are showing great potential to overcome patent challenges and improved targeting beyond the liver with reduced immunogencity. There are now novel methods and computational tools to identify optimal candidates for adeno-associated virus (AAV) delivery and peptide conjugation pairs. This workshop will advance your insights into optimal candidate selection for RNA delivery depending on the therapeutic indication, by harnessing computational power.

Topics include:

  • What computational models can be harnessed to facilitate the identification of optimal candidates for peptide-based conjugates to reduce quantity of binding assays needed and advance drug delivery screening?
  • How to harness computational design and modeling techniques for screening and optimization of AAV delivery for RNAs?
  • How to optimize algorithm parameters for computational strategies to minimize immunogenicity response and tailor to the specific therapeutic indication for enhanced RNA delivery?
